Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Funny Story - Karaoke

My friend and former Housemate, Senga in an e-mail reminded me of something....called Karaoke.....well to anyone who has had the pleasure of living with me....or even residing within an one mile radius...will know that well my singing is not the kind that will light up your day....

So actually a few weeks ago when we took one of the Touristy trips through Metro Manila....we went with this vehicle that had a Karaoke machine in there...and so yeah as the day was winding down we ended up singing some Karaoke. Well here in the Philippines they seem to have a saying or custom that when someone sings out of tune it will end up raining....

So after having taking my time to decide on a song i went for "I just called to Say I love you" by Stevie Wonder....tribute to you Dave....well my score on the machine was pretty darn low...but thats alright....I can deal with that

However, hardly an hour later it starts raining and then pouring and then Thunder and Lightning and then even more rain.....leading certain areas to even flood.....

May we all thank God that I stopped at one song...for who knows what would have happened if I kept singing....but yeah this was the last bit of confirmation that i might have needed ...It is now clear...I think ill leave my career as a singer to be for now...and will pursue other endavours....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol... kudos to stevie man.... that's funny and a blessing.